Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 reasons I am retarded

Tonight...like every other Tuesday night, I got ready for my fabulous city council meeting and left the kids with my mom. I got to West Point city hall about 15 minutes early (normally I'm at least 20 minutes early...so I can eavesdrop on the chatter of employees) Today, there were no employees cars blocking all of the parking spots. I parked right by the door and went to walk in...the door didn't budge. Locked. "Dang it" I muttered. I knocked on the door hoping that the city recorder would be getting things ready for the meeting and hear me. I knocked for a good 5-10 minutes. No one ever came. I looked around...no one. Then I looked at my cell phone and saw the date. The 5th tuesday of the month...there was no council meeting to attend. Super.
Second...my sister Lisa has posted a couple of posts about "Klonopin" being her friend. Until this evening I thought she was one of the most creative people I know...because she named her imaginary friend Klonopin. Apparently Klonopin is a drug she refers to as her "crazy pill." Good to know, I guess we can take Klonopin off of the guest list for Thanksgiving.

NOW...for breaking news!!! Jonah is walking (Oh happy day!) Wow...19 months and 1 day!!! I was starting to worry that there was something wrong! No worries now...except that he's still not talking really.
I'll post pics soon of his first little steps!!!


Keri said...

Lol, you're funny!

Keri said...

Lol, you're funny!

Mimi said...

oh you gave me a good chuckle... and to find out that I am not the only one to do silly things is so nice! :)
Love ya!

Mimi said...

Oh and I forgot to give a GREAT BIG YAY to Jonah walking! So YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!