I was watching the news today. They were talking about how police arrested 50 "illegal aliens" who had ties to gangs. That's good, in the sense that I want people in gangs to not live here. They mentioned that they are focusing their efforts on "Illegal aliens with ties to gangs." Hold on...stop right there****This is where I have a problem. I want ALL people in gangs gone. Dump them in jail and throw away the key! Why on earth are we focusing our efforts on illegal aliens? Are citizens of our country who belong to gangs less of a threat?
I have a serious issue with many people's attitude about immigration and "aliens". It irritates me so much to hear people say "Why don't they go back where they came from?" That's irony for you. Who here is native to this country? If everyone was to go back to where they came from, this country would be nearly empty. We're all imigrants (Unless you're a Native American)'
I've heard a lot of negativity from people in the last months, talking about how our government is wasting money on educating or feeding those who are not citizens of our country. In my opinion, I'd rather educate and feed the poor than kill them in some war! I'd rather give them a future than take it away! Why don't people complain about the money wasted in this war that we're in! It seems a lot more pointless to me to spend BILLIONS of dollars on a war. How is there a down side to helping those in need?
It's sad, much of the negativity that I have heard in recent months has been in church. My church is family oriented. We are taught that everything is centered on family. How is deporting illegal aliens a good thing if it breaks up families?
People say "It's the law. They are breaking the law."
If my children were being raised in poverty in some third world country, I can tell you I would do what I could to make a better life for them.
Everyone has got an answer for immigration. It might be a little different if it were their sister, mother or grandmother being deported. How many people would rush to condemn illegal aliens if their family was among them?
I'm just saying it's good for us to have diversity in our communities. Wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same?! I think we should allow all people who are otherwise law abiding a way to be granted citizenship!
1 comment:
Hey Lauralee! I'm an ALien HIHI!!! But seriously, there IS a way to not brake the law. For those who are already here though a little compassion would not hurt. Unless they are breaking the law even further. I have to admit I have little compassion for illegals that are doing stupid stuff. It's hard for me to be compassionate because of all I went through to be here. It was a PAIN! So I have a hard time with those who abuse the system, take advantage of our generosity and do not contribute in return. But then I have a problem with moochers as a whole wheter they be illegals or not... Can you feel how I'm thorn? Touchy and not easy. I think that the main thing is letting go of my prejudice, but that is not always easy.
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